CEO, Tharsis Mining Corp

“Money makes the world go round.” That adage is most certainly true on Mars.

The CEO of the Tharsis Mining Corp is currently the richest person on Mars. This trillionaire controls the entire planet’s fuel reserves, including methane and hydrogen reserves. The self-made business statesman is a stalwart champion of the free market and an evangelist for capitalism.

Critics say that he bought the election through backroom dealing, handouts and bribery. That may well be true but the trillionaire’s influence in every strata of society is staggering — from business leaders, scientists to common workers. He did not need to buy their vote. He earned their loyalty long before he stood for election.

Projects: As the CEO, you can help the colony with its fuel requirements through yearly projects. You may also build geothermal power plants or harvest methane from subsurface ice.

Special Ability: Once per game, you may share the bounty of capitalism through “Trickle Down Economics”, at the cost of leaving some citizens behind.

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